Branding WebDesign Copywriting

Real AbSolution

  • Date: May 3, 2018

  • Skills: Illustration, Webdesign, CSS, Adobe Suite

  • Client: The Real AbSolution


01. The Challenge

Design Problems

The Real AbSolution group had problems with their previous web designer. The project took well over a year, the site was still incomplete, and they weren't happy with the overall aesthetic. Initially, they wanted me to finish the site and give it a facelift, but after discussing the project, we determined Shopify was the wrong platform (considering the Brand's future plans) and they agreed to let me build a new site from the ground up.


02. The Solution

New Platform & Design

During the discovery process, I learned about the Group's future plans to wholesale the product to gyms nationwide. Although Shopify is a good platform, it's expensive, limited in functionality, and best suited for a retail business model. So I recommended using Wordpress for its design flexibility, and Woocommerce for the store to reduce transaction costs (Shopify charges a 2% surcharge for using a different payment provider). These platforms combined would more easily accommodate their retail and wholesale business models.

Design Elements

The site opens with a large image showing ripped abs, zooms in with a provocative statement in high-contrast gradient bold text, and provides a call to action with a product intro / sizzle video. The next section discusses the problem and transitions into the company's value proposition. Then the product is showcased using an interactive image with hotspots to explain features and benefits, followed by a "buy now" call to action. The following section offers a series of videos reflecting the different movements and combinations. Each video showcases the products potential and is given a branded name to explain the specific exercise and also to strengthen the brand. The page transitions into an education section with an image slider revealing and explaining the different muscle groups, and providing support to statements made about the products unique value proposition. The page ends with another "purchase now" call to action and a customer testimonial slider.

Target Audience

The target audience includes the fitness community in general, fitness enthusiasts, athletes, people who are body image conscious and/or have lower back issues caused by other ab workouts, and eventually gym owners worldwide.

03. The Result

Another Happy Client

When the RealAbsolution Group saw the first iteration of the new website, they were stunned. After a long and disappointing road, they finally had a design that met and exceeded their expectations. Although the project is currently on hold while they sort out packaging and shipping details, they are more than pleased with the results and looking forward to the product launch on their new website.

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